Our Language Policies

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Our Language Policies

Our English K-12 curriculum is carried out in line with the achievements of the Council of Europe Common Framework Program CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Our program is structured in a theme-based manner, parallel to the mother tongue education program, and based on the mother tongue acquisition model in younger age groups. Our curriculum program is structured in such a way that our students will complete the “B1+Language Level” achievements at the end of the 8th grade. In our schools, studies are carried out on different applications using tablets in line with the needs of digital age students.

In order to determine the proficiency levels of our students’ language development processes on an international platform, the University of Cambridge- English Language Assessment YLE- “Starters”, “Movers”, “Flyers”, “KET”, “PET”, “First for Schools” and “TOEFL”, “IELTS” exams are administered at the end of the academic year.

American Culture – English Education in Kindergarten at Özel Bandırma College

Our students complete the “Pre-A1 Language Level” at the end of the Kindergarten preparation group. Students are given topics consisting of words and patterns that will enable them to establish basic communication in the target language in line with our themes, materials prepared in line with the principles of the “Communicative Approach Method” are given through stories. The aim is for students to be exposed to the target language by receiving more language input and to acquire the target language naturally with the “Language Immersion Program”, which is frequently addressed in the literature, where two English teachers are present in the classroom in the first or second half of the daily lesson program.