Literature Club

Developing an interest in literature and developing critical thinking skills…

Purpose: In accordance with the general purpose and basic principles of Turkish National Education; to contribute to the development of self-confidence and sense of responsibility, critical thinking and self-expression skills of our students as citizens who are loyal to Atatürk’s Principles and Revolutions, Atatürk’s nationalism expressed in the preamble of the Constitution; to help them gain the necessary equipment to reach information by conducting research and to use the information they reach effectively in line with their purpose.

In the Literature Club: Reading Workshop, Cinema-Art-Debate courses are conducted simultaneously with the students in the club. MEF High School Reading Workshop started on September 23, 2011 as the first pilot study of our “MEF High School Writing Skills Center” project. All administrators and teachers of MEF High School became natural members of this club. In 2012, we continued our journey by including our students and parents. We determined the name of this workshop as “MEF High School Parent-Student Reading Workshop”. We have held a total of 27 reading workshops so far. Last year, we included our sister school students in our reading circle. Our 10th grade students read the novel “Momo” by Micheal Ende in the 2017-2018 academic year, and the novel “Şeker Portakalı” by Edmondo Amicis with our sister school’s 4th grade students in the 2018-2019 academic year. During the pandemic, our reading workshops were held online with our Preparatory Class students and parents. In the 2022-2023 academic year, we held our Rıfat Batur “Book Doctor” reading workshop with our sister school’s 3rd and 4th grade students. Our reading adventure continues in environments outside of school.

Awareness Created by Reading Workshops:

A student who feels and lives the culture of reading in everyone around him, from his administrator to his teachers from every branch and his parents, captures the privilege of this natural environment.
Detailed examination of literary works strengthens the student’s written and oral expression.
Students who examine the book in every aspect and establish a direct connection with it love reading books.
Students who examine the work, research its features and present it increase their self-confidence, and the student reaches a level where they can easily make an unprepared speech.
Students’ awareness of themselves and the outside world increases.
Studies on the following topics will be conducted in our club:

In our Cinema-Art classes/club, we aim to make film critiques after film screenings based on films with different content from the cinema world, and to hold workshops on screenwriting.

In our Reading Workshop classes/club, a detailed examination and analysis study will be conducted on a selected work. After the detailed examination and analysis study, the student will be asked to write a thesis-based article. If the author of the book discussed in the workshop is alive, the author will be invited to our reading workshop.

In our debate classes/clubs, one of our main goals is to provide our students with a certain level of intellectual knowledge, multi-dimensional thinking, and public speaking skills, which are essential tools in today’s world. Another goal is to develop our students’ language use and communication skills and to enable them to discuss different views. For this purpose, we organize various trainings and lead our students to participate in debate tournaments in and outside the school.

Club duration: One year. Workshops will be held by invited poets and writers throughout the year.

Activities of the Literature Club:

Reading and conducting research on specified topics
Watching and evaluating cultural events
Making personal critiques and film critiques on current or specified topics
Organizing or participating in “Reading Workshops” in or outside the school
Participating in artistic competitions such as writing and short films held at the district and provincial level
Organizing debate tournaments in the school. Traditional debate tournaments attended by our school’s students have been ongoing for 10 years. Conducting film screenings and film analysis