Education Model

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Our School Adopts the Mastery Learning Model

The Mastery Learning Model is based on the fact that each student has a different time to grasp the same subject, and that given enough time, each student can learn. Accordingly, in order for “mastery learning” to occur in the classroom, the goal is for all students to learn 80-90% of the subject covered, depending on the content of the course. Some principles of mastery learning can be listed as follows:
While the “Complete Learning Model” is applied in the teaching process;

  • Students are motivated to the subject.
  • Appropriate conditions are provided for students to learn.
  • Sufficient time is allocated for each subject (up to which learning level it will be taught is determined in advance), and all students are ensured to learn the subject.
  • The next subject is not passed on until the target/target behaviors related to a unit or subject are fully learned.
  • The student’s participation in the teaching process is ensured.
  • The full learning criterion is determined in advance (e.g. 80-90%).
  • Studies are carried out to eliminate students’ learning deficiencies according to the results of monitoring tests.
  • Students are also ensured to be interested in the subject outside of class hours.
  • An environment is created for students to examine and research the subject with research projects given to the students.