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Our school was established in 2016-2017. One of the most important features of our schools is our Bilingual – Dual Language Education model. In this model, English is not a lesson in our school, it is a lifestyle and a means of communication. Our students do not learn English, they acquire it. All our lessons and subjects progress with English support. The English Education Coach next to our course teacher ensures that the student participates in the lesson in English during and at the end of the lesson. Thus, every student who takes the American Culture Colleges English education model starts academic life one step ahead by knowing English as a native language and thus can receive scholarships and educational invitations from international universities.

Our schools offer a learning environment that supports our children to develop their contemporary, creative, social, and foreign language expression skills and adapts developing technology to this. We aim to prepare the best conditions for our children by raising healthy, active, creative, and inquisitive individuals who can adapt to the rapidly changing world in all our units and to bring them into the future with confidence.

Our schools, with temperament-based education, accept that “Every individual is a world” and that each individual has their own temperament, style and attitude, and give special importance to individuality within the society. American Culture Colleges do not look at education solely as academic success. They know that the main source of a healthy individual and society consists of art, social and cultural activities and adjust their programs accordingly. Our guidance service is always in touch with the student and in communication with our parents, and acts as a bridge between the teacher, student and parent. Another of the strongest aspects of our schools is communication. We value the administration-teacher-student-parent interaction and keep it at the forefront. Breakfasts, meals, trips, artistic activities, important days and dates; social assistance and cultural activities made together are very important and valuable for our institutions.

We know and accept that we are strong together…